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6 female behaviors that men love more than anything


1. A woman who compliments her partner

It’s not just women who like to be complimented. Even if the partner will not ask for compliments, he is always delighted when his girlfriend takes the trouble to appreciate his work and his efforts. The man also needs to be reassured about his ability to satisfy the desires of his spouse. Then, covering him with compliments at times reinforces his self-esteem and gives him the strength to make more effort for the well-being of his lover.

2. A woman who pays attention when talking to her 

Listening is perceived by man as a sign of respect and love. To avoid worrying their partner, men are not used to talking about how they feel about problems. But when the negative thoughts are too heavy and they want to unload, they need an attentive ear, an ear that will not denigrate them, nor judge them, but rather will accept them with love. This puts them in confidence.

3. A woman caressing her partner’s head and neck  

Men perceive this kind of caress as a sign of love and affection. Indeed, a caress on the neck allows the body to secrete the happiness hormone called oxytocin. The man feels loved and desired physically by his spouse.

4. A woman who expresses her love to her partner even when they are in public 

Men are sometimes embarrassed when they receive a kiss, or a caress on the cheek in public. But the truth is that all these small gestures make their hearts beat. The gestures of love expressed in public show your man that you are proud of him and that you are not ashamed to show it. This feeling boosts his ego and allows him to feel up to all the challenges he may encounter.

5. A woman who calls or writes to her partner even if she is busy

When your partner knows that you have a busy schedule and you take the time to call him during the day, if only to see how he is doing, it means he is very important to you. He will feel honored, loved and preferred and he will see that you are doing everything you can to show him that you care about him. 

6. A woman who puts her head on her partner’s chest

When you put your head on your partner’s chest, it means to him that you need to be comforted and feel safe. This gesture will bring out its protective side and it will do everything possible to make you feel protected.

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