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7 Tips for Women Who Stay With Cheating Husbands

There are many reasons why people stay. Sometimes, wives want to keep the family together for the children. Others stay for financial reasons or due to the fear of being alone. It is not uncommon for wives who have been married for many years to believe it is shortsighted to leave without at least trying to repair things. So, here are my six pieces of advice for women who find that their husbands cheat and want to investigate if they can heal and remain in the relationship. 1.Get support, support, and more support!  Recovering from infidelity is a difficult thing. You ego has been bruised. You feel inadequate as a wife and as a woman. Your sense of trust has been broken. Your partner feels like a stranger who has lied to you for many, many years. You don’t know what to believe about the past and, almost certainly, what to believe about present. Are more lies being told? Will you be able to tell if they are? As a result of this betrayal , you may also become hypervigilant and suspic...

Signs Of Vitamin B12 Deficiency You Should Never Ignore

Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that our bodies need to survive. Being low in this vitamin will drastically reduce your overall health and wellbeing, so what are some of the main signs to look out for? The most common vitamin B12 deficiency signs that are often neglected include: Numbness and tingling in the hands, legs, or feet Difficulty walking Anemia Swollen and inflamed tongue Yellowed skin Paranoia and hallucinations Weakness Doctors can also carry out simple tests to find out whether you’re deficient in vitamin B12 If you notice any of the above symptoms, simply visit your doctor and ask them to carry out some tests. The recommended method would be to ask your doctor for an Intracellular B12 test, however, not all doctors can perform this test, in which case, the next best options would be a Methylmalonic or Homocysteine test. Vitamin B12 deficiency can be caused by anemia, leaky gut syndrome, poor gut microbe, and chemotherapy treatment. Pernicious anemia prevents your bod...

20 Things Men Find Unattractive In A Woman

Men notice a lot in a woman and it may not be all the things we automatically think of. If you are wondering why men are not attracted to you despite you being the definition of Ms. Perfect with the right clothes and perfect hairstyle, it could be you are doing something men find unattractive. The reasons could surprise you! If you are a single lady planning to step into the dating game or are having a hard time finding a man, check the list below to read about the top 20 things men find unattractive in a woman. #1. Too much makeup Do not overdo your makeup. While it is important to look presentable, stay true to your original looks. You are beautiful exactly the way you are, without the extra shimmer from over-the-counter beauty brands. The best thing you can do to look beautiful is to be healthy and allow your true personality to shine. If you like makeup, you can always do it for yourself but in this case, remember, less is more. #2. Poor personal hygiene Ladies, it is important to ...

5 Warning Signs of Breast Cancer That Many Women Ignore

Breast cancer affects 1 out of every 8 women in the USA. To successfully treat cancer, early detection is very important. It is highly necessary for women to know the signs of invasive breast cancer from its inception and seek medical help early instead of battling the latter stages of the disease. These are the five warning signs and symptoms of breast cancer that every woman should know: 1. New moles or change in an existing mole Moles can be seen as an early indicator of breast cancer. Women with moles had a 13% risk of developing breast cancer than women with no moles on them. 2. Hoarse throat and persistent cough If cancer from the breasts spreads to the lungs, it can lead to persistent coughing and hoarseness of the throat. According to statistics, about 60-70% of cancer patients, breast cancer metastasizes to the lungs, causing a dry cough and shortness of breath. 3. Irregular bowel or bladder movement Breast cancer patients may experience a change in their hormones, leading to ...

Even science has proven: STOP WEARING BRAS!

From one generation to another, it has been passed from one woman to another that she should wear a bra, simply because of tradition and social acceptance, but also because it helps with back pain and forms and lifts up the breasts. A new study has revealed that woman should actually turn their backs on this tradition and wear breasts occasionally, mostly for working out. THE CASE STUDY In this particular study 330 volunteers took place and gave the measurements of their breasts for scientific purposes. This was a continuous study that took about 15 years. The results were totally opposite from what we have thought about bras and their purpose! Women who didn’t wear bras had firmer breasts Women who didn’t wear bras had about 7cm lifted up nipples since their first measurement women who wear bras had more stretch marks A logical result from the study was that not wearing the bra stimulated the actual human muscles under the breasts and on the back to be firm enough to hold the breasts,...

Gross Things Your Body Does When You Don’t Shower For 2 Days

We all have those days when we don’t feel like showering, I mean it’s natural, most of us are just too lazy to get up and get the job done, especially as adults when we don’t have anyone pushing us into the shower anymore. And it happens. we totally relate, but have you ever wondered what happens to your body when you fail to wash it on a daily basis? No? Well, we’ve compiled some points and explained them in graphic detail, brace yourself! Hopefully this will be the motivation you need to get up and take a bath! 6. The smell: Yes, lets discuss the inevitable, you will totally smell if you don’t shower, so might as well just get down and done with it. And the thing about the smell is that you don’t just smell cause of all that sweat and dirt, it’s actually the bacteria that’s been accumulating in your underarms and basically everywhere on your body. 5. Getting crusty: Once its been long enough all the sweat and dirt is going to start getting crusty, yes, by that we mean layer of sweat ...

Soak Paper In Apple Cider Vinegar. Then Wrap Your body!

 Summer is a favorite time of year for outdoor play and adventure. Unfortunately, camping trips and bicycle rides can often lead to nasty cases of poison ivy, oak, and sumac. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the itchy, blistering rash caused by these plants results from an oil called urushiol. The sticky oil is found in the leaves, stems and roots, and easily sticks to skin and clothes. A poison oak, ivy, or sumac rash is not contagious. It is, however, extremely uncomfortable for the afflicted person. Symptoms include redness, itching, swelling, and blisters. Rashes caused by poison ivy, oak, or sumac typically heal on their own within a few weeks. But why would you patiently suffer through the pain? You can make the rash less irritating and quicken the recovery process by following these 8 home remedies (with products from your kitchen): 1. Turmeric and lemon juice. Natural News swears by the home remedy of mixing equal parts turmeric (get here) and lemon or lime...

How To Make Pores Disappear With Only 1 Ingredient Naturally

By and large,   people struggle with their personal appearance and look day in day out. Individuals, by nature, are always striving to look good in terms of their appearance and clothes. And  No one can deny the fact that people who have oily skin are going through a difficult time much more than others. More specifically, This sufferance is  caused by so-called large pores(deep pores). There are two reasons which cause big pores on face: The former one is that once dirt and bacteria irritate the skin, and the latter reason is when some unhealthy products are employed to make the large pores smaller. Unluckily, the big pores make one’s face look dull as well as aged. Oftentimes, individuals who have oily skin are   exposed to this problem, namely large pores on the face and nose. Likewise, both types of pores ( namely,  big pores or smaller pores)could as well lead to complications as blackheads and acne, which give a negative attitude to your facial a...


Sadly, heart attacks are one of the most common injuries in the nation. It has been reported that your body will give warnings signs of a heart attack up to six months before it occurs. Have you experienced any of these symptoms? If so, you may need to schedule an appointment with your health care provider. In the United States, heart disease is the leading cause of death. It can cause a variety of ailments that affect your heart. Some of these conditions include coronary artery disease, arrhythmia, and congenital heart defects. You can improve your heart health by improving your diet, exercising, taking iron supplements, and increasing your omega-3 fatty acid intake through food sources or supplements. Meanwhile, watch for the following warning symptoms that your body may be prone to a heart attack. SIGNS OF A HEART ATTACK A heart attack can occur when the flow of blood and oxygen to a section of the heart becomes blocked. The heart muscle begins to die from the lack of oxygen. If the...

7 Bedtime Mistakes That Lead to Weight Gain at Night

It’s not only a frustration when you see some extra pounds on the scale, but it also may cause some health problems. Many types of research have shown the fact that being overweight increases your risk of dying prematurely. On the other hand, the solution to sudden weight gain can be found in changing your evening routine. If you are aware of the reason that you put some extra pounds on, then you need to choose a healthier way of living and take some precautions. Here are some of the most common bedtime mistakes that people do that eventually make them gain weight. Late night snacks Unfortunately, the famous rule of no eating past 6 pm doesn’t stop us from some midnight snacks or late runs to the fridge. According to the studies, eating late definitely leads to weight gain. Additionally, it may negatively affect our hormonal markers and increase insulin levels or cholesterol. The fact is that you will gain weight when your calorie intake is much bigger than what you burn. Drinking coff...

Here Are 7 Warning Signs You Have Blocked Arteries

Bad circulation in and of itself is never good, however, it could mean that you have blocked arteries. Having a blocked artery can kill you. This is why it’s important to know the signs so you can catch this in time. Almost in all cases, poor circulation means you are in poor health and you need to go see your doctor. It could mean anything ranging from low blood pressure to heart problems to diabetes. What are some other things that may cause bad circulation? Smoking Sitting too much (see video at bottom for exercises to help circulation) Eating fast food, a lot Obesity (imagine that) Why is good circulation important? Every organ in your body depends on your free-flowing blood to receive the vital nutrients needed to function. Even if we slow down this process it can damage important organs like the brain and heart. Think of a traffic jam on the 405 in Los Angeles for instance. When this happens, there is zero productivity happening; no one is getting anything done (let’s pretend iPh...


Gluten can be a silent killer, and it can cause permanent damage in your body. It’s crucial to learn whether you’re gluten intolerant or not to keep good health. Not confident you’re gluten intolerant? Seven gluten sensitivity symptoms 1. Difficulties with The Central Nervous System: Gluten sensitivity might cause difficulties such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, problems with concentration and exhaustion. People that are gluten intolerant can easily get annoyed and suffer from reduced absorption. One study shows that humans with gluten intolerance are extra prone to experiencing migraines. 2. Problems with The Gastrointestinal Tract: People that are gluten intolerant can suffer from bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, and costiveness. Sometimes experts mix these symptoms with IBS diagnostic (irritable bowel syndrome). If you don’t get decent treatment, the symptoms won’t go. 3. Hormonal Imbalance: These symptoms mainly happen within women population, and they include unexpec...

Belly Button Healing and Pechoti Method for Relaxation and Stress Relief

 The belly button is an often overlooked part of our body. But do you know that the belly button epitomizes the inception of life? It is, of course, the connector between an unborn child and its mother inside the womb. It didn’t take very long for Ilchi Lee, the founder of many mind-body training methods, to discover that the belly button is the focal point for sound health of body, mind and spirit. You may be wondering, how is the belly button so powerful? It’s all about location, location, location. The belly button is near the center of your abdomen and around your center of gravity. It sits over your intestines and major lymph nodes and blood vessels. And it’s near your vagus nerve, which is responsible for the rest and digest functions of your body. Unlike the rest of your abdomen, there’s little to no muscle behind your navel, which makes it the perfect access point to your belly. The rest of your body connect to your belly button by fascial trains that cross right near it. I...

10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Sperm

Reproduction 101 tells us that we require an egg and a sperm to make a tiny human. Yet, a surprising number of couples that are actively trying to get pregnant seem to be concerned only with the health of a woman’s eggs. Here’s a newsflash for you: close to 65% of fertility issues faced by a couple arise due to the poor quality of sperm. Additionally, roughly 85% of miscarriages are linked to the man’s swimmers. Surprised, aren’t you? Well, the fun doesn’t end here. Read on to discover 10 more shocking sperm secrets that they never bothered teaching you in sex ed classes. 1. Sperm Can Help Prevent Depression In Women Studies indicate that women who indulge in unprotected sex (which, FYI, I do not advocate unless you’re in a healthy, stable relationship) or oral sex are usually less likely to succumb to depression (1). Researchers hypothesize this may be due to the fact that sperm helps raise prostaglandin, oxytocin and serotonin levels (read: happy hormones), which lead to stronger imm...

8 Ways To Treat Sciatic Nerve Pain Successfully

 Sciatica is a medical condition characterized by pain going down the leg from the lower back. If you suffer from this painful condition, you may experience a feeling of weakness, numbness, a burning sensation, or tingling in your leg. If sciatica is not treated on time, can cause another health issues such as imbalance and poor movement. Here are 8 effective ways to treat sciatica and ease the pain at home. 1. The cat-cow exercise This exercise improves your spine’s flexibility and strengthens your core. How to do it: Stand on all fours on the floor with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips. Inhale and lift your head up to the ceiling while pushing your belly toward the floor. Then, exhale and lower your head looking at your hips while rounding your back toward the ceiling. Repeat this 15-20 times. 2. Hamstring stretching This stretch targets the hamstring muscles and help you ease the sciatica pain. How to do it: Sit on the floor and st...


Milia is a group of white, small, solid, keratin filled cysts. Those cysts are forming under the skin when the keratin remains stuck below its surface. Keratin actually is a very strong protein that is found in the tissues of the skin cells, nails and hair. These cysts are large or strange looking , similar to pimples, but it’s easy to identify them. It is very important to mention that Milia could occur at persons of all ages, but most often it occurs in newborns. Besides the fact that they disappear within a few weeks, the doctors say that nearly half of the newborn babies have signs of miles. Typically they are large around 1 – 2 mm and they usually occur in areas around the eyes, nose and cheeks. Still, in some cases they could occur on some other body parts. If you want to remove them we are suggesting you a few alternative methods. Subcutaneous prick This is the most commonly used method for dealing with milia. You are going to need thin and sterilized needle under the skin to in...

Eating This for Breakfast Every Morning Help You Lose Weight Faster Than You Expect

The most important meal of the day is undoubtedly the breakfast, so you should always make sure it is healthy and nutritious. This meal provides the needed energy for the day and accelerates the metabolism. If you are trying to lose extra weight, you should never skip the breakfast, as that will simply boost the unhealthy cravings during the rest of the day. A recent study published in the Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism found that the best possible variant for a breakfast is in fact oatmeal. It involved 36 men and women, who were divided into 3 groups. All participants consumed 350 calories daily, while the first group received oatmeal, the second cornflakes and the third only drank water for breakfast, and the lunch was the same for all. Participants needed to record their level of satiety in the next 3 hours. Researchers analyzed their blood samples in order to control their blood sugar and insulin levels. They found that participants in the first group had fewest cravings thro...

10 Tips to Ease Menopause Symptoms

 Cool Hot Flashes When you think of signs and symptoms of menopause, hot flashes top the list. They are a hallmark of menopause. But once you start experiencing them, you may not know what sets them off. Keeping a diary can help you identify triggers. Keep a notebook and jot down where you are and what you are doing when you experience hot flashes. Many women find that stress, caffeine, hot weather, and alcohol are common triggers. You may be able to cool yourself off by taking slow, deep breaths when hot flashes start. Breathe in slowly through your nose and out through your mouth. See your doctor if hot flashes are particularly bad. Banish Night Sweats Some women experience hot flashes that are so severe that they interfere with sleep. If that happens to you, there are things you can do to stay cooler and help you sleep. Wear pajamas made of thin, breathable fabric. Use light layers of sheets and blankets instead of a thick comforter or quilt. Place a fan in the bedroom. Keep a b...

A Few Facts About Lemon Water Uses

Lemon water uses are varied and it can be used in so many different ways. There is a variety of recipes available on the internet and from other sources but what exactly is lemon water? In simple terms it’s just water that has been extracted with lemon juice. Lemon extract is one of the most valuable substances that humans can naturally produce. It is a natural disinfectant and anti-microbial agent. This is why it is used in the manufacture of so many household cleaners. The benefits of the extract are not only limited to disinfecting but they can also help to provide relief for a number of medical conditions as well as providing some relief to other forms of natural health. For example, it can help to alleviate nausea and vomiting, it can help to ease the pain of arthritis, it can help to relieve the inflammation of colds, it can help to soothe an upset stomach. Lemon extract is also very helpful in many digestive conditions and it also acts as an antiseptic. This is particularly impo...


ARIES – THE CONTROLLING QUEEN Aries women are all about control and power. They are the ones that make the rules because they are the leaders of their pack. The Aries woman is fully aware of the power she has, and she uses it with utmost discretion and care. She never does anything without thinking of the consequences beforehand. And when she shines, the whole world watches her in awe! That’s the power of this controlling queen! TAURUS – THE STRONG ONE These women have a strength of character and willpower. They are highly driven and headstrong. They are the ones that have the guts and courage to stand up for themselves and for the ones they love. However, behind their strong nature hides a heart of gold. Taurean women are caring and loving and always willing to help those in need. When a Taurus woman fights, the world stops, and when she loves, the world admires. GEMINI – THE CREATIVE THINKER Gemini women are the thinkers and the creators of the world. The Gemini’s bubbly personality ...