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10 daily habits that are hurting your manhood

Do you know why they say – either use it or lose it? Well, because ‘the more sex you have, the less likely you are to suffer erectile dysfunction,’ suggests a 2008 study published in The American Journal of Medicine. Try to have sex at least once or twice a week. Men who are not too active in bed are at a greater risk for erectile dysfunction.

If You Have These Allergies After Getting Intimate With Your Partner, Then Rush To Doctor Immediately

You are smoking too much

We all know that smoking has number of adverse effects on your health. Apart from causing lung diseases and cancer, it causes impotency in men by reducing blood flow to their private parts. Smoking damages sperm in males and damaged sperm will have a harder time fertilizing an egg. It also causes erectile dysfunction in males.

Physical inactivity

Experts suggest that not exercising and staying physically active can have negative consequences on your reproductive organ and health. According to a study, men who exercise on a daily bases had better reproductive health than those who didn’t. So if you want to keep you manhood alive, then you need to exercise daily and keep your body active.9

Eating too much junk food

In this modern fast-paced lifestyle, we don’t get to eat home cooked food often that is why fast food has become the preferred choice of food. Eating junk food has eh same effects as that of smoking. A study conducted at Harvard University in 2011 showed that a person, who eats more junk food or processed food like cookies, cakes, chocolates, and chips, etc., had higher chances of erectile dysfunction.

You don’t get enough sleep

Not sleeping 7-9 hours overnight can damage your sperm count and quality and will increase the risk of infertility. A study conducted at University of Michigan revealed that men, who get an insufficient amount of sleep will experience a lower level of desire the next day and a lesser ability to reproduce among other symptoms like poor concentration, fatigue, and weakened bone density and muscle mass.

You are watching TV too much

According to a 2010 study from the University of Rochester, men who watch more than 20 hours of TV weekly have a 44% lower sperm count than those who watched almost no TV. The researchers found out that men with more television watching habits had poorer sperm quality because of their lack of physical activity.

You are not washing off sunscreen

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), your sunscreen can help prevent your risk of skin cancer, but increases you chances of suffering from infertility. Chemicals like UV filters BP-2 of 4OH-BP, found in sunscreen, protect you against UV rays but it may reduce man’s ability to reproduce by up to 30%. Wash it off completely once you get back homeT

You have a poor dental hygiene

It’s just not the bad breath that is the side effect of your lazy dental hygiene. Gum disease is seven times more common in men with erectile dysfunction, found researchers from the Journal of Periodontology. Bacteria in your gum tissue can travel through your body, including inflammation and damaging the blood vessels in your penis.

You are skimping on watermelon

Water melon has an ingredient called citrulline-arginine which helps relax blood vessels by boosting nitric oxide in the same manner as Viagra, found a 2008 Texas A&M University study. This ingredient found in watermelon can treat erectile dysfunction and may be even prevent it. So guys, eat as much as watermelon you can.

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