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If You Are Banana Lover Read These 10 Shocking Facts (No.6 Is Very Important)

Banana is one organic product that is extremely rich in minerals and vitamins. It is effectively realistic and extremely delectable also.

It has been evaluated as a super food in light of the fact that it is one of the most advantageous sustenance’s on the planet and has numerous medical advantages.

Banana should firm part of your daily dietary routine as they offer a variety of health benefits as they can help you combat…

  • Morning sickness
  • Blindness
  • Diabetes
  • Osteoporosis
  • Depression
  • Kidney cancer

Bananas are also known to boost brain functions and in effect make you smarter.

Here are 10 health benefits of consuming banana regularly.

1. It Prevents Calcium Loss

Bananas help to prevent calcium loss in the body and this leads to better absorption of the mineral by your bones and teeth thereby making them stronger.

2. It Makes You A Smarter Person

As mentioned earlier bananas will boost brain functions and in effect your cognitive and reasoning ability. This is because bananas have a high potassium content which is essential for proper brain activity.

3. It Helps Prevent Kidney Cancer

Also stated earlier bananas will help prevent kidney cancer, due to its ability to promote calcium absorption in the body thereby preventing the formation of kidney stones. It will also boost teeth and bone health as a result while offering protection for your eyes from macular degeneration.

4. Bananas Help To Combat Anemia

Bananas are rich in iron which will boost and strengthen your blood and also help you combat anemia.

5. It Aids Proper Digestion

Bananas are rich in dietary fiber and as a result they can help you to combat indigestion and constipation by regulating and normalizing bowel motility.

6. It Will Regulate Blood Sugar Levels

Bananas help to regulate your blood sugar levels and this is good if you suffer from diabetes. They also help to fight depression, PMS symptoms and generally improve your mood.

7. It Can Protect You From Heart Attack And Stroke

When you consume bananas often you are less likely to have a heart attack or suffer from stroke, this is because bananas are rich in potassium and low in sodium.

8. It Fights Depression

Bananas are rich in tryptophan that when consumed gets transformed into serotonin which is a brain neurotransmitter that regulates your mood to happy.

9. It Helps To Combat Inflammation

Bananas are rich in vitamin B6 which helps to combat inflammation of your joints. It also helps with combating type II diabetes, in the production of white blood cells and in strengthening your nervous system.

10. Bananas Will Boost Your Energy Levels

You will boost your energy levels significantly when you consume bananas, if you are into workouts then consuming two bananas before you engage in your workout will help energize you.

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