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We all know that loving helps us be a better person. But did you know that making love each day can make a lot of difference too? Yes! You read that right. Making love on regular basis can have a positive effect on your health. It can cure some serious ailments. It helps solve issues related to mental health, incontinence, blood circulation and many others. Making love and intimacy are also great for your health and can keep your body functioning optimally.

Of course, you don’t need reasons to make love, but to add on, here are 10 things that will happen if you make love every day.

1. The heart

Making love regularly helps reduce the chances of heart attack and other heart diseases. It also helps in proper functioning of the heart. Researchers have found that men who make love at least twice a week were less likely to develop heart disease compared to men who only had sex once per month, according to a 2010 study published in the American Journal of Cardiology.

2. A headache

Increase in hormones like oxytocin and endorphins help in relaxing the mind naturally. Making love triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, via the central nervous system, which reduced, or even eliminated, a headache.

3. Antidepressant

Semen is said to have mood-boosting components in them. The relationship between depression and sex is complex. Depression can steal your sex drive, make off with your motivation, and deplete any desire you once had to feel attractive. On the flip side, many aspects of sex can help boost your mood and act as a buffer against depression’s effects.

4. Insomnia

Science says making love before bed can be the cure for insomnia. When people have sex, the body will naturally release neuropeptides known as endorphins. Endorphins are the driving force behind many natural states of euphoria, like the runner’s high, for instance. This is why, after having sex, you will likely feel less stressed and your mind calms down, thus helping in proper sleep.

5. Urinary Incontinence

Making love often helps in prevention of urinary incontinence. It is responsible for strengthening your pelvis and thus prevents leakage.

6. Flu

Regular sex can help prevent you catching one of winter’s most universal ailments – the common cold. According to their research, sex can lead to higher levels of Immunoglobulin A (IgA) which may offer some protection against disease.

7. Muscle Overloads

Do your cardio in bed. Yes. Making love helps in making your muscles stronger. It also helps in the prevention of joint overloads.

8. Brilliant Skin

Sex gives your skin a heavenly glow. Bramer says that having sex improves blood circulation, which helps to pump oxygen to your skin and make it brighter. It also helps to eliminate toxins and can actually make your lips a little fuller.

9. Prostate

Scientists have found that men who involve themselves in intercourse frequently enjoy 33% lower risk of prostate cancer.

10. Breast cancer

It is possible that regular sex may be one of the “therapies” that helps prevent Breast Cancer. Women who have sex more than once per month have a lower risk of developing Breast Cancer than those who are less sexually active. Stimulation of breast releases hormones like oxytocin. It is a hormone that protects the appearance of this kind of cancer.

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