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If You Are Banana Lover Read These 10 Shocking Facts (No.6 Is Very Important)

Banana is one organic product that is extremely rich in minerals and vitamins. It is effectively realistic and extremely delectable also. It has been evaluated as a super food in light of the fact that it is one of the most advantageous sustenance’s on the planet and has numerous medical advantages. Banana should firm part of your daily dietary routine as they offer a variety of health benefits as they can help you combat… Morning sickness Blindness Diabetes Osteoporosis Depression Kidney cancer Bananas are also known to boost brain functions and in effect make you smarter. Here are 10 health benefits of consuming banana regularly. 1. It Prevents Calcium Loss Bananas help to prevent calcium loss in the body and this leads to better absorption of the mineral by your bones and teeth thereby making them stronger. 2. It Makes You A Smarter Person As mentioned earlier bananas will boost brain functions and in effect your cognitive and reasoning ability. This is because bananas have a high p...


Diabetes is pretty common among adults these days. At least 6 out of every 10 individuals are diabetic. And the reasons are many. Lazy lifestyle, junk food, and a host of other stuff would ensure that you are afflicted with diabetes. And in some cases, it gets genetic and passes onto the next generation. In most cases, one can see the symptoms of diabetes. They usually include fainting, a loss of appetite and puking. Any sign that tells you that your blood sugar level in hemoglobin has risen is a symptom of diabetes. The blood sugar levels can be maintained by having a proper, balanced diet that doesn’t include a lot of sugar. Also, you shouldn’t just be a couch potato. Get out, run, walk, lift weights, live! But, there are some symptoms that might elude you or remain unnoticed. Here are 6 of them:- FREQUENTLY URINATING When one urinates frequently, one can be certain that one is suffering from diabetes. It is because the kidneys are unable to contain the excess sugar in the blood and ...

Top 11 Foods That Will Help You Cleanse Your Lungs

Our bodies are filled with organs each one with their own importance, but our lungs are definitely among the most important. Responsible for the process of breathing, they are the ones that enable us to gather the oxygen we all need and take it to all the other organs. But, unfortunately, as we inhale oxygen, we also inhale other matters which can be harmful for our lungs, so a good cleanse is always a good idea! Our lungs are also the most sensitive. Diseases attack them easily, so they begin to decay. Some things that can really affect them are pollution and smoking. You probably ask yourselves why lung cleansing when we can do a transplantation procedure? But, we have to be aware that this is among the most expensive and certainly the riskiest procedures of all! No doctor would recommend it unless it is truly necessary. It is extremely important to take good care of your lungs. Even if you are a non-smoker, there is too much air pollution, people who smoke as well as harmful fossil ...


When you get to the end of your day and settle down for some well earned sleep the environment is perfect for some bonding time for you and your significant other. THERE ARE A FEW SIMPLE THINGS THAT CAN REALLY HELP TO PROMOTE YOUR EMOTIONAL CONNECTION. 1. PUT YOUR PHONES AWAY FOR THE NIGHT Having your cellphone in bed with you is a distraction. Using your cellphone before bed can also have a negative impact on how quickly you fall asleep. Try to give your partner your full attention at this time. 2. DON’T TALK ABOUT WORK Work does not belong in the bedroom. It can make you both anxious and distract you from each other. 3. TRY TO GO TO BED AT THE SAME TIME EVERY NIGHT If you and your significant other head to bed together, at the same time, it can help you to feel more in sync with each other. 4. HAVE A ROUTINE AS A COUPLE This can also help you to feel more in sync with your partner. It can also create stability in your relationship. 5. HAVE DEEP CONVERSATIONS On occainsion an emotiona...

4 body signs that you need to fast

Why body needs fasting? Human body works in two regimes: assimilation and cleansing (the same as detox). When we eat the body is meant to absorb nutrients from food. The problem is that modern food, because it is so far away from its natural form, is very low in nutrients and full of toxins. Not only has food a lot of chemical additives and salt, but it is also cooked in oil and is eaten in a wrong combination of animal protein and complex carbohydrates, flushed by good amount of different drinks that dilute our stomach juices. All this contributes to fat and toxin accumulation and metabolic damage. The body manages to get rid of some toxins during digestion process as well, yet such elimination happens only partially as digestion itself takes too much of body’s energy. However, the body has another regime of functioning that starts working as soon as the digestion stops – it is cleansing. In order to describe the digestion and cleansing processes, famous naturopathic doctor Herbert M....

7 Indications Of Overall Health Given By Your Hands

In many ways, your hands are the first things that a stranger will notice about you, be it while shaking hands or while handing something over. In this context, it’s essential that you know that your hands are significant indicators of the state of your inner health. This means, by looking at your hands, you or anybody else can guess whether you are healthy or not. In this article, I’d inform you about 7 things which your hands show about your health: 1. Skin Peeling If the skin on the palm of your hand is peeling off regularly, it means that you are deficient in Vitamin B. This is particularly true when you see the flaky skin on your fingertips. If you are suffering from this, make sure you take adequate amount of mushrooms, peanuts, avocados and other Vitamin B rich food. 2. Shaky Hands In most cases, shaky hands are caused by an excessive amount of caffeine intake. Such cases are not very serious and can be reversed with a little change in your lifestyle. However, they sometime migh...


WE WOULD ALL BE ABLE TO BE WITH A LITTLE-SWOLLEN STOMACH IN THE WAKE OF EATING, YET ON THE OFF CHANCE THAT DAYS PASS BY, THE WEEKS PASS BY AND THIS AGGRAVATION DOES NOT GO DOWN, IT IMPLIES THAT THERE IS A MAJOR ISSUE WITH OUR STOMACH RELATED FRAMEWORK. These issues are typically treated with a thorough eating regimen however on the off chance that we truly comprehend why this issue starts we won’t have the capacity to stop it everlastingly, yet while the treatment is being finished. We prescribe you focus on these reasons on the grounds that maybe one of them can be adjusted to your circumstance and you have concerned reasoning it was something substantially more genuine. These are the most well-known reasons why we have an enlarged stomach Nourishment Intolerances In spite of the fact that relatively few give the vital significance to things, actually we can be narrow-minded to various nourishments and we keep on expending them, paying little mind to whether they give us a little stom...


All humans and many other primates can be typed for the ABO blood group. There are four principal types: A, B, AB, and O. There are two antigens and two antibodies that are mostly responsible for the ABO types. The specific combination of these four components determines an individual’s type in most cases. Foods that benefit your blood type: -Blood type A: Vegetarian based diet with fish, chicken, and yogurt. Avoid legumes, spicy foods, dehydration, and coffee. -Blood type B: Dairy, mutton, fish, vegetables, tea and grains suit this blood type best. Avoid alcohol, preservatives, and excessive noise. -Blood type O: Meat, fish, vegetables, and fasting. Avoid dairy, processed foods, and over-eating. -Blood type AB: This is considered the modern blood type, therefore they can digest anything efficiently. It is recommended to eat organic, fresh live foods, as eating fried (etc) foods take away from your energy. Blood type and personality: -Blood type A: compassionate, organized, efficient, ...


Sometimes your boyfriend/girlfriend may simply be busy with work or college and they simply just don't have the time to put in as much effort as they used to, however, it can be the case that they've stopped caring as much and the relationship has become one-sided. These are the signs to tell if your relationship has become one sided. 1. They Rarely Contact You If you're waiting days to hear from your significant other, it's a clear sign they're losing interest in the relationship and have other priorities on their mind. If your girlfriend or boyfriend never texts you or rarely replies to your messages, they're not concerned with keeping in contact with you and it's clearly not that important to them. If you're not the one making the effort, then you go days without hearing from them. Also, if they reply with one word answers or only a few sentences in each conversation, they've stopped making an effort to speak to you and it's clear that you...


We keep getting different advice about what should we eat before going to bed. However, do you know which products are actually recommended to be consumed before going to bed? It’s very important that the food you consume before sleeping is lightweight. That is, it shouldn’t put a lot of weight on the organism, so it could rest and regenerate. The following 6 products could be eaten at any time of the day, but especially before sleeping. 1. Cherries This is one of the rare fruits that contains melatonin. That is a hormone which regulates our biological clock. During the night it makes us sleep, and the lack of it during the day helps us stay awake. Therefore, you should eat a handful of cherries before going to bed. 2. Turkey Turkey meat contains the amino acid called tryptophan, which is the reason why you sometimes fall asleep in front of the TV. Tryptophan generally prompts sleep. Thus, turkey meat is a great choice of a meal before going to bed. You could have some turkey fingers o...

Her House Always Smells Wonderful And Fresh And People Can’t Understand Why. Here’s Her Secret

We’ve all been in a situation to be completely mesmerized by the smell of a room. And though people generally resort to commercial air fresheners, these have repeatedly been linked to serious health issues, such as nausea, migraines, stomach upset etc. Here, we provide a safe, homemade alternative to store-bought air fresheners. It will not only make your house a more enjoyable place to live in, but it’ll also protect you from the harsh chemicals that commercial fresheners emit. The basic ingredient this recipe uses is beads for washing machines. These are not only easily available, but they also come in different fragrances, so you can choose according to your taste. Not to mention that this DIY air freshener will save money as well! What you need : 10 drops of any essential oil (choose this according to your preference) 1 clean spray bottle 1 tbsp. baking soda 500ml distilled water What you do : Using a fork, mix the essential oil and baking soda in a bowl. Pour the mixture in a clea...

The “Scary list of Seven” women shouldn’t EVER ignore!

Thе disеаsеs thаt wоmеn cаn еxpеriеncе cаn bе snеаky — thеir symptоms аrе оftеn hаrd tо distinguish frоm thе pаin thеy gеt bеfоrе а pеriоd. But yоu cаn gеt thе uppеr hаnd if yоu visit а dоctоr аs sооn аs yоu nоticе cеrtаin wоrrying signs which yоu shоuld lеаrn tо rеcоgnizе. Fоr еxаmplе, pеоplе whо аrе diаgnоsеd with brеаst cаncеr аt аn еаrly stаgе survivе in mоrе thаn 90% оf cаsеs. 7. Incrеаsеd urinаting Whаt it mеаns : incrеаsеd urinаting cаn bе а sign оf sоmеthing mоrе thаn just prоblеms with yоur kidnеys оr urinаry trаct. It cаn pоint tо а hоrmоnаl imbаlаncе оr indicаtе thаt thеrе is sоmеthing wrоng with thе vаginаl micrоflоrа. And if yоu urinаtе оftеn аnd fееl vеry thirsty, it mаy bе а sign оf diаbеtеs. Hоw tо rеcоgnizе thеrе’s а prоblеm : sоmеtimеs it might sееm tо yоu thаt yоu visit thе bаthrооm tоо оftеn, whеn аctuаlly yоu dоn’t. It’s cоnsidеrеd nоrmаl tо visit thе bаthrооm frоm 4 tо 10 timеs а dаy if yоu drink thе usuаl аmоunt оf wаtеr. If yоu nоticе thаt yоu urinаtе mоrе оftеn...

16 Early Warning Signs Of Cancer In Your Body Should Not Ignore

16 Early Warning Signs of Cancer in your Body Should not Ignore: In case of cancer, there is an uncontrolled growth of cells in the body that occurs when the normal restraining mechanism does not work as expected to lead the formation of new and abnormal cells without recycling the older ones. The continuous formation of new cells overlaps the older cells forming a huge mass of tissue that is called a tumor. Generally, this is not an instantaneous process and takes time. While this is happening inside your body, it will try to tell you that something is going wrong inside by various warnings, that must not be taken lightly as there might be the formation of cancer cell taking place. Thus, to help you out we have listed 16 warning signs of cancer you should not ignore, and if you are suffering from any of the below signs, then its highly recommended to get yourself checked from your doctor. 16 Early Warning Signs of Cancer in your Body Should not Ignore: 1. FORMATION OF LUMPS OR BUMPS I...

WARNING If You Find These In Your Home Get To a Doctor IMMEDIATELY!

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a deadly bug has been reported in southern regions of the United States. You should be extremely careful. Even though the bug looks harmless, it can carry a Trypanosoma cruzi parasite that causes Chagas disease. These bugs are typically found in the southern United States, Mexico, Central America and South America. Almost 8 million people are infected by this parasite, worldwide. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it is not easy for this bug to give a human Chagas disease. The disease is transmitted through the bug’s feces. A person can only get Chagas disease from this deadly bug if the feces get rubbed into a bite wound or enter through an exposed body part such as the mouth or eyes. The species typically found in southern regions in the United States looks similar to the species that are common to Chagas disease. The tiny insect feeds on human blood much like a mosquito, but it is specific to biti...

One Month Before Stroke, Your Body Will Send You These Warning Signs Don't Ignore Them

Stroke can occur when a poor blood flow to the brain results in cell death. It is the no.5 cause of death in America and the leading cause of disability. There are two types of stroke: ischemic, caused by narrowing or blockage in the arteries which leads to the brain, and hemorrhagic, caused by reduced blood flow. When the blood vessel that carries nutrients to the brain is ruptured by a clot or blocked, a part of the brain can’t get blood and oxygen that it needs to function and that consequently leads to cell death. The brain is a complex organ that controls numerous functions in the body, so when a stroke occurs and there is reduced blood flow to a certain part of the brain, some part or parts of the body that the affected part of the brain controls are not able to function properly. Identifying the symptoms of stroke is very important in order to prevent the condition or get medical help on time so as to minimize the brain damage. This is also going to lower the risk of disability....

How To Use Aspirin To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are those traces that remain after you slim in a very short time. These deep lines in the skin cause depression among people who excessively get rid of many pounds in a very short time. Here is how to use aspirin in order to get rid of stretch marks. One of the ways to get rid of stretch marks involves aspirin. All you have to do to get rid of stretch marks is to dilute aspirin in a small amount of water. This combination (aspirin + water) should then be combined with warm olive oil. Two tablespoons of olive are enough to prepare the treatment. Apply the paste directly on the skin and must be left to act for 20-25 minutes. Then rinse the skin with lukewarm water. The mask should be applied on time per day, every day, for approximately 7 days. It’s important that when preparing these solutions, you should also take the vitamins E and C, which you find in capsules at pharmacies. This natural combination moisturizes and rebuilds the skin, giving it elasticity. It’s recommend...

Natural Hair Removal | How To Remove Body Hair Naturally

Try this Natural Hair Removal remedy to get rid of unwanted hairs at home without spending a penny! Required Material Bowl Baking Soda Cotton Water Procedure 1. Add Baking Soda In Bowl Add one tablespoon baking soda in a bowl. 2. Pour Some Water In a heating pan, take approximately 1 cups of water and turn on the stove on high flame. 3. Boil Water Bring the water to a boil. 4. Add Baking Soda Now add 1 tablespoon baking soda to the heating water. 5. Mix it well Stir the solution continuously unless it forms a paste-like consistency. 6. Take in the Bowl Take out the paste in a bowl. 7. Apply It On the hand Use a dry cotton pad to apply the paste on a small hairy part of your hand. Let it dry completely. 8. Remove it After it dries, use a wet cotton pad to remove the paste from your hand. Repeat this process for 7 days to remove hairs and get an even tone.

Here's What Happens To Your Body If You Eat Two Eggs Per Day

These are 9 things that happen to your body if you eat two eggs a day. No 3 I'd Never Expected Those who love eggs will have heard it many times: eating too much does not go well on the blood cholesterol level. In fact, several studies have shown that there is no need to give up their favorite food.  On the contrary: Two eggs a day can be a real paradise for our organism. Hard to believe, right? When these 9 benefits are discovered, you will no longer feel guilty next time you eat for two days You may also be interested in what happens to your body if you eat two eggs at breakfast 1. It reduces the risk of heart disease. Chicken eggs are rich in cholesterol, 400 milligrams of ammonia for each egg. High levels of cholesterol in the blood increase exponentially the risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease Contrary to popular beliefs, eggs do not help raise these levels. explanation lies in the fact that the production of gall fat is reduced with a high intake of cholesterol. In addi...

Baking Soda Can Remove All Belly Fat In 1 Week

We have lot of ingredients in our kitchen but generally we don't know to use them in correct way. DO you know that you can use baking soda to get rid of all excess fat from your body (it can remove extra fat from everywhere, belly, thighs, back, arms etc..) Although you can mix baking soda with fruit juice also but I prefer to use it with apple cider vinegar. Please note ACV smells very bad at least I think so, but its very good for your health Now let me share recipe You will need : 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar 1 glass of water ½ tsp. of baking soda Preparation : Mix all the ingredients in a glass like the previous beverage. Consume it on an empty stomach, and you will rapidly notice that you’ll lose weight and burn corporal fat, too!

These Deodorant Uses Will Leave Every Woman Speechless

We all use antiperspirants and deodorants every day, right? We can’t do anything without them – and that’s a fact Antiperspirants and deodorants help us smell and feel much better! And yes, they obviously work great at fighting armpit sweat and odors. But, can I ask you a simple question – did you know there are other cool uses for deodorants that have nothing to do with your underarms? Well, of course, you just have to take a look at the article below and find out more about! In this article, we’re going to show you amazing deodorant uses, which you’ve probably never heard off! Here’s what you need to know: Keep Sunglasses from Slipping Yes, this is very useful, especially if your sunglasses keep sliding down the bridge of your nose due to sweat! Here’s what you need to do – just try rubbing antiperspirant on it. This may come as no surprise, but antiperspirants come in at number one in the fight against unruly sweat! So no matter how hot it gets outside this summer, your fashionable ...

What A Woman’s Sleeping Position Reveals About Her

Sleep is one of the greatest pleasures of life. We bet you can’t find even one person in this entire world who would disagree with that! Just like everything we do in our lives, even how we sleep is a choice each person makes. Different people like to sleep in different positions, but how a woman sleeps isn’t always as simple as finding the most comfortable position. This is why it shouldn’t really come as a surprise that a woman’s sleeping position can be quite a revelation into the inner workings of her mind and body. There’s a lot you can tell about her personality, such as how she carries herself, the way she interacts with others, and the status of her relationship. Intrigued? Find out what YOUR sleeping position might say about you by the taking a look these pictures and their descriptions. 1. The Freefall Women who sleep in the ‘freefall’ position in sort of a reverse starfish position sleep on their stomachs with their hands tucked under their pillow. This indicates a welcoming...